Introducing ... me.
We are nearing one year of Rebel Equestrian being in business and I am thrilled at the direction my business Is taking. I wanted to create an accessible collection of horse tack and equipment and accessories that weren't the typical horse gear.
Behind the scene is a one woman show. My name is Terri Callander. I live just outside Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. I am born and raised in the same area I grew up in. I have no intention on moving. It may sound silly but everything I need is right here. I live in the horse capital of British Columbia. I am 10 minutes away from one of the biggest Equestrian facilities in Canada, Thunderbird Equestrian Centre. In addition to that, my friends, family and my roots are here.
I have been riding horses on and off since I was 8. I remember my first riding lesson. It was on a black and white pony named Patches. My Grandparents bought me my first riding lessons. I was hooked from my first lesson. When I was 10 my grandparents bought me my first horse. She was an adorable chestnut Quarter Horse/ Appaloosa mare. She was tough. She taught me so much and I will never forget that little mare. I will always have an affinity for chestnut mares because of her.
I currently would consider myself a dressage rider. I have an 8 year old OTTB named Peace Arch, lovingly known as Archie. We are training basic level dressage and taking it day by day. He is a very level headed horse.
The most important aspect of my life is my little family. I am a mother to a six year old girl. The most intelligent, sarcastic and witty being to walk this earth. She has inherited all my 'best' personality traits and it is an absolute joy to watch her develop into her own strong person. I also have a partner of four years who is my rock. He is supportive, honest and caring beyond belief. Being with him makes me want to be the best person I can be. His success inspires me to do better in all aspects of my life. He's also the mirror image of myself: sarcastic, witty and honest. It works well.

Hopefully this gives a little behind the scenes insight into Rebel Equestrian. I created this business because my Dad always told me to find something I am passionate about and make a job out of it. This is exactly what I am attempting to do.
Thank you for reading about me. It's not easy for me to put myself "out there" so to speak but I also want people to get an idea of who I am. A face to the name, so to speak.
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